Saturday, August 22, 2009

Insane Weather - Insane!

Bright and sunny outside, a call for celebration? Gah, I think not... who could imagine, complaining on a gorgeous 27 degree day? Well, whilst I should be donning my new sexy white bikini on Manly beach, I instead am studying about the role of the nuclear family in Australian history and society's chaning values in relation to this famlial structure over time. Sounds like a blast doesn't it?

Well, gees, I have not really posted a blog in quite some time. A fair bit has changed since then, but not to ramble:
- Broke up with my boyfriend, absolutely loving single life (:
- Found out Mom is pregnant! Yup! A girl, due November 4th, Kyra Belle Blyte
- Presently doing HSC trials
- Presently scoping out university options for next year
- Had an amazing trip to Fiji
- Have had inumerable drunk nights
- Have enshrined my best friend Marissa into my wonderful way with men (:
- Have gotten my red P's
- Have been failing school miserably

That should about cover my activities of late, there of course is a new interest (as there always is for 17 year olds who have particular needs!). This months name is Andrew, lives on large property and is surprisingly smart, not my usual style. In any case things are moving slowly, which is a step up for me, he is a good boy!

But to no avail, I have a particular guy, who I have been friends with since year 8 continiually chasing me, argh well he not give UP! Gees wow rambling much???

Comment me! How are youu?