Thursday, February 12, 2009

Death by Chocolate?

I awoke this morning to the miserable patter of rain, my summer has now officially ended, giving way to the cold and freezing dark nights, no more beach, no more half naked boys and most of all no more holidays.

So, my mood if you havn't guessed... is one of total and utter depression, my favorite time of year has been stolen, slaughtered in turn for a far darker fate.
Winter is not the time for fun, the time for maturity, sensible behavior and family. To say the least, my drunken weekends and parties ensuring I do not know where I awake next, have been erased from future records.

Instead, I get to spend, 'precious', 'invaluable' time with the folks, how exciting? Well I guess I still have to focus on my education, and the lack of male and alcoholic distraction may greatly benefit this, but seriously, the outlook is currently bleak. For all of you who are religious, I am in a time of need, pray for me as I embark upon this cold and desolate journey, giving up all that I love in favor for all that is modest, stupid and fucking boring.

In any case, as the fires in Victoria rage on, consuming more and more precious life, my thoughts are with those, all of which have lost loved ones, lives and hope. May we cater them through their time of need, and offer all we have to our fellow Australians.

'We are one, but we are many'. That's the bloody Australia I live for, courage, larikins, fools but mates to the very end, were no life is more important than the bloke sitting next to you, whose name you've forgotten, but laugh is a perpetual memory.